Sabong Color – How to See Cockfighting Colors at Lodi646 App

Posted onSeptember 10, 2024

by lodi646admin


The cockfighting color of a rooster’s life (sabong in Tagalog) is linked to the five feng shui elements of yin and yang, which are reflected in the rooster’s feather colors. Each group of feathers corresponds to one of the elements: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. These elements can either complement or conflict with each other. When they are compatible, the chances of winning in cockfighting increase significantly. If they are incompatible, the chances of losing are higher.

Therefore, those should carefully consider the rooster’s color, as it influences its destiny. The practice of interpreting the cockfighting color has been passed down through generations and is believed to enhance the rooster’s fighting ability. It also helps avoid choosing incompatible roosters, which could harm their health. Understanding that fact allows participants to make better choices, maximizing their chances of victory.

To learn more about how to play cockfighting and select the best rooster based on its cockfighting color, check out our article on how to play cockfighting.

What colors are included in Sabong?

There are many different types of fighting cocks, depending on the feather color and appearance of the fighting cock. However, in the Philippines, the most popular are the 7 types of fighting cock colors below:

  • White cock’s life color: It is a precious life, often has a high price and is the most popular. If the white cock fights with an opponent with a different life, they will counter each other.
  • Black stone cock’s life color: This is a rare life and is also considered a precious life. This network can overcome many other types of networks.
  • Brownstone cock’s web color: This is the most common and also very popular. This brown chicken usually has good fighting power and a very high winning ability.
  • Yellow fighting cock’s web color: Also a popular fighting cock’s web color but less popular than brown fighting cocks. However, if you can overcome your opponent, the golden chicken will become very strong.
  • Gray cock’s web color: This is a rare and very little-known web. This fate color can also overcome many other types of fate.
  • Chicken vein color: Has white veins on the feathers, very popular because of its unique beauty. However, this is not a strong network.
  • Blue-legged fighting cock’s life color: Not only considering feather color, leg color is also an important factor in determining the fighting cock’s life. This destiny often has strong fighting power and a very high chance of winning.

Cockfighting colors for your reference

The colors of the fighting cocks will be divided into many different types. Here are some fighting cock reviews that Lodi646 would like to send to you for reference.

sabong colors for your reference


Feng shui cockfighting color

This is a color that is very familiar to many cock masters. This network color includes the following 5 destinies:

The fighting cock carries the Metal element

Ranked in order, the Metal element is the top element in the five feng shui elements. Chickens with the element Metal are chickens with a metallic luster. Includes gold and silver white. This destiny is considered strong and wealthy, often associated with fortune, power, and reputation. Therefore, fighting cocks with the color of the Metal element is very popular to bring luck and money to the cockfighters.

Fighting cocks belong to the Wood element

Moc element-fighting chickens usually have green feathers, but can also be dark brown or reddish brown. This is also a very popular cockfighting color in the Philippines. This destiny often symbolizes growth and development. Wood-element fighting cocks are often solid, possess good physical strength, and are extremely agile.

Fighting cocks belong to the Water element

The Water element corresponds to fighting cocks possessing silky black feathers. In addition, when choosing opponents, people should not arbitrarily choose cocks with feathers that are too different to avoid conflicts. In addition to navy blue, people can let their cocks compete with opponents with black, white, or yellow feathers, which will be most suitable.

Fighting cocks belong to the Fire element

Fire element chickens are usually chickens with red, cashew, and purple colors. Therefore, these fighting cocks are very colorful and outstanding. This is also the color that accounts for a high proportion of the feather colors of fighting chickens. It also symbolizes enthusiasm and passion. Therefore, fighting cocks with the Fire element are often very agile and decisive in combat. Furthermore, because this is a popular color, choosing an opponent is very easy.

Fighting chickens belong to the Earth’s element

Brown or earth brown is the main color of chickens of the Earth element. Fighting chickens of the earth element are often cautious, patient, and hard-working. They can fight for a long time and withstand opponents’ attacks well. In addition, opponents with yellow or brown feathers will be compatible with your Earth-element chickens.

Cockfighting network color by hour

A 24-hour day will correspond to 12 zodiac animals in the cockfighting color system. This rule divides the 12 zodiac animals into periods of 2 hours apart. Starting from 11 pm – 1 am is called the Rat hour and continues accordingly. In addition, these 12 hours are also divided equally into 5 elements in feng shui, which are:

  • The hour of the pig and the hour of the snake belong to the Water element.
  • The hour of noon and hour of the rat belong to the element of Fire.
  • The hour of the dog, the hour of the ox, the hour of the dragon, and the hour of the cat belong to the Earth element.
  • The body and rooster hours belong to the Metal element.
  • The hour of the day and the hour of the crown belong to the Wood element.

Sabong network color according to age

Sabong color according to age


This is a way to see the color of a cock’s destiny according to the age of the cocker or it can also be the age of the cock. This helps determine which cocker best suits to a cock’s fighting destiny for the best results.

Based on age, it can also be based on the 12 zodiac animals. The 12 zodiac animals have the very sacred meaning of the 12 mascots. Each zodiac animal will have its strength and will.

Therefore, many people rely on the meaning of the 12 zodiac animals to choose their destiny according to their departure date. To see what age the cockerel is, what destiny it corresponds to, what destiny it is compatible with, and what destiny it is incompatible with. This leads to the best results.

People have passed down cockfighting’s color as a way of determining a cock’s destiny for a long time. In addition to the factors that create a cockfighting match such as health, competition location, or even the weather, looking at the color of the fighting cock’s destiny is also very important.

Seeing the fighting destiny of a cock will help the cocker know how his cock matches his opponent and how he counters his opponent to have a higher chance of winning. If you want to experience the excitement of the game, be a part of it with us!